Top Five Etsy Finds #2

So it’s been two months and ten pages of Etsy favourites since I last did one of these so it is about time. There have been some awesome things, things I’ve come very close to buying, that I’ve had to miss out because Etsy is just full of amazing things. I could probably do one of these a week but, alas, my laziness prevails!

I have favourited a lot of crockery/glassware things recently but when I saw these (I *think* they were on the Etsy front page actually) they immediately went to the top of my list. Mid Century furniture is my guilty favouriting pleasure but not normally smaller home-wares: they’re quirky, a touch shiny, great condition and completely desirable.

I discovered this shop while looking for some Doctor Who things to celebrate the 50th and it’s amazing! There are Harry Potter things, Monty Python things but this is still my favourite, particularly because (depending on your bias) you can switch out the TARDIS interior. I’m not sure what you’d do without besides put it on your shelf but I want it anyway!

I love letterpress stationary: sometimes I search for it and am constantly upset by how much of it is wedding-themed. But then I found this shop. It’s full of great stuff but this stood out for me, particularly because I’m going through a bit of a Western phase at the moment (see below). The quality is clear, the colours are vivid and I can’t imagine a room it wouldn’t brighten.

Speaking of my Western phase… There have been a lot of pillows in my favourites, maybe because it’s so cold and all I want is to curl up with the adult equivalent of a cuddly toy. This is so beautiful and, as it’s lambswool, so soft. It’s minimalistic enough that it would fit into any modern interior but with that little bit of charm that Etsy is famous for.

I recently (read: a month ago) got Neutral Milk Hotel tickets and, in turn, basically fulfilled a life ambition. Therefore, I’ve spent a lot more time looking for associated memorabilia. This poster, which also combines my love of informative graphics, is the most unique I’ve seen. It riffs off, arguably, their greatest song and is visually striking in its own right. WANT.

That’s it for another [insert amount of time here]. If you want to see all the things that couldn’t make the list, then you can see or follow all my favourites by clicking here.

[Note: I cannot guarantee these things are available even two minutes after posting, as many are one of a kind but I bet the other things the shop has are great too!]

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